Monday, January 24, 2011

First day sailing the pacific ocean

Wanted to show you our gift from the cruise line – when asked about important occasions / celebrations on board we gratuitously threw in our Anniversary – Dec 22nd in case we could score a bottle of champagne or wine. Heres what we got! Lovely. Nice print. No bubbles.

To give you an idea of our days events taken from the “Princess Patter” the daily newsletter.
At 9.00am and 2pm every day at sea Michael is signed up for 'Bridge for beginners' with Sue from Australia. Didn’t make the 9am session – woke up too late but did get the class notes and used them during the afternoon hands that he played. Todays lesson – the use of the One Club bid

Merle was interested in two offerings. 'Common Interests at sea – crochet, needlepoint and knitters' was at 11.45am. Merle made it to the gathering where she was shown by a fellow passenger how to needlepoint and splurged on a $5 kit. Turns out it was more a get together than a class
Also of interest was the 'Computers at Sea program' from 9am to 2pm. This included 'Computers for the absolute beginner' and 'photoshop elements'. Each class was $25 or three for $50.

Goes without say that lunch was a highpoint (for some) and todays lunch was entitled Golden Dragon Luncheon Buffet. They did an extraordinary setup – shown below.

Michael managed to snag the elliptical machine at 11.30 or so and was able to maintain his CV momentum.

Tonight we have decided on Cabin service and a Downton Abbey marathon – then early to bed to be ready for Manta, Ecuador tomorrow. Details to follow


  1. everything looks amazing especially the food. thanks for the anniversary wishes,
    we leave for Caymans friday, can't wait to get away from the miserable weather into sunshine.

    happy trails....


  2. Wow!! Great Anniversary gift...Who was the third balloon for???
    I just heard we're getting a snow storm again tomorrow (Wednesday).
    The food looks amazing. I would probably be barred from the dining room by now.

    By the way, Loving Downton Abbey. Great series!
