Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Special Birthday on board

Today the Pacific Princess celebrated the birthday (tomorrow) of one of the passengers – we couldn’t do it tomorrow because he is in Auckland doing whatever. In fact we celebrated twice, first at Bridge where he is in the expert level group; then in the Pacific Lounge (the weather is bad today)

Why is this a big deal? Why does this gent get a message from the Prime Minister of Canada? Or from the President of Princess Cruises? Remember this is a WORLD cruise.

Turns out Stephen Gittus will be 101 tomorrow! He’s on the cruise with his 90 year old wife Millie.

Was a great party, lots turned out to be there. The youngest passenger on board (Alexia - 6yrs) presented a gift to the oldest; the choir sang Happy Birthday; there was a lovely cake and Stephen made a funny and articulate speech.


This guest tried to hide behind the pillar but it didn’t work. Had some cake to cheer up

Tomorrow we are in Auckland all day till 10pm. Blogging may not be on the cards till the day after. Until then!!!


  1. 101. Pretty incredible. Here's hoping we all make that long.

  2. I love it!!!! That's incredible... Have great day in port!

  3. Lol... The group of people singing... Looks like they are holding the music/lyrics... Please tell me it's not for the birthday song...

  4. He's not only 101 but he's standing, talking and enjoying his 101st...truly remarkable.

  5. Oh that Merle, she's so cute trying to hide behind that pole!!!
