Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Quiet Day at Sea

 Its been a week since we left Fort Lauderdale – enough time for the NorthEast to have three snowstorms and for the ship to slip into a routine.

Todays lunch theme was Italian (you can see where the focus shifts over the week) – some pics of the highlights are attached.

We decided on an alternate choice – the British Pub Lunch – both of us had a steak and kidney pie (apologies to all vegetarians), chips and a Guinness. With a Jam Roly-Poly plus custard for dessert. Yummmm.

We crossed the Equator a while back but today King Neptune and his court held their traditional celebration. Those brave enough to admit they had never crossed the equator – termed “pollywogs” were given a hard time and every one else enjoyed at their expense.

For the football fanatics one of the lecturers n the ship is Bob McElwee who is a former NFL Umpire– you have likely heard of him – he is talking about his experiences on the football field and in officiating superbowls.

Thank you for all the lovely comments back – this is fun


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes, I see many pollywogs poolside today... I envy the sunshine and festivities. We are getting the equivalent in snow :) smooth sailin' ... miss you.

  3. Wish I was on that cruise.


  4. A jam roly-poly looks mmm mmm good.

  5. How did you turn down all that Italian food!!!! I'm full just looking at all the food pictures!
